
Converting Website Traffic into Customers

How to recognize website visitors without relying on cookies? With SMARTDX, you can use the information to understand your audience better to attract more potential customers.

SMART DX Solutions

Smart Link

A link that can be used in various media to know the journey that web visitors take personally.


Simple code that installs on websites and apps to easily add new features.


Identifikasi Traffic yang Spesifik

Comprehending how each visitor browses the website to design a better business strategy that is more in line with what they need.

Precise Targeting

Personalize the visitor’s experience on mobile apps and websites to provide offers that suit their needs.

Real-time Insight Monitoring

Assist in analyzing a comprehensive report on the audience, how they interacted with the product, and how effective the campaign was.

SMARTDX Benefits

Penurunan CPL Sebesar 15-20%

Peningkatan Potensi Prospek Sebesar 20%

Peningkatan Potensi Revenue Sebesar 30%

Convert your business traffic into leads with SmartDX


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