
Get Business Insights Through Data

Gain a complete understanding of your business across devices and platforms. Digipop provides you with cutting-edge data management software to understand the customer journey and solve marketing problems.

We collaborate with more than ten thousand of Mobile App Providers to build your audience profile and to maximize your digital campaigns.

Telco / Device

Carrier, Major OS, Device Category / Model, Connection Type (Wifi).


Country, City, District / Sub-District, Near POI, Latitude / Longitude.


Family Travellers, In-Market Personal Loans, Tour, Sport, Many More ...


Gender, Age, Affluence, Religion.


Home Location, Work Location, Point of Interest.

Place Visited

Restaurant Visitors, Hospital Visitors, Car Service Visitors, Many More ...


Hobbies & Interests, Art & Entertainment, Video Gaming, Photography, Many More ...

Consumer Intelligence Platform​

Improve your customer acquisition with the power of our third-party data, such as consumer behavior, location, and interest data.
Customer Data Experience Platform
Customer Data Experience Platform

Customer Data Experience Platform

Turn customer data silos across your sites and apps into a single, holistic view of customer profiles and omnichannel ads.

Data Enrichment

Increase your existing customer profile by connecting your data to our data enrichment solutions.

Digital Survey

Send your survey to relevant respondents directly on their mobile screens with SMS notifications and digital channels.

Digipop Solutions For Multiple Industry Sectors

Discovery of your business potential

What They Said About Us?

We always give the best to our customers

Director of Indihome
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“Digipop Customer Data Experience Platform memungkinkan kami untuk mengintegrasikan 1000 situs pendaftaran pelanggan dan memahami profil pelanggan dengan lebih baik. Kami memiliki analisis pelanggan 360 yang berisi profil pelanggan end-to-end, seperti identitas, nomor telepon, email, dan alamat.”

Ready to thrive your business with Digipop?

Improve data management efficiency and business performance with various products and solutions from Digipop.


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Conducting a Customer Behavior Analysis

A customer behavior analysis is a detailed investigation of how customers engage with your company. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, it looks at every step

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